Remote Healing: Clearing, Centering, and Grounding

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Welcome to this remote energetic healing session for clearing, centering, & grounding.

To prepare, remove all metal jewelry (or as much a possible) and be in a place where you can relax and be undisturbed for about 15 minutes.

It's also a good idea to use the restroom prior to the session start time.

This healing session is evergreen, meaning you can listen to it anytime you are ready to receive the healing, and it will be effective.

I listen to music as I record the session and administer the healing hower, since I do not own the rights to the music, I remove it from the final recording. You can listen to the same playlist on Spotify or
you can listen to relaxing music of your choice or do anything that creates a calm environment for you.

At the end of the video, you will hear three chimes of a singing bowl. This assists with releasing your energy from the video and letting you know your healing session has ended.

Please drink plenty of water after your session and be gentle with yourself. You may want to note any insights or energy shifts you felt in a journal. You may continue to notice insights and energetic shifts in the coming days/weeks.
After your session, in your own time, please share anything about your experience that you feel comfortable sharing.

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Remote Healing: Clearing, Centering, and Grounding

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